454 idling acting weird
i tuned my carb in a last sunday, it sat til today, when i started it up it was idling around 1500 and would die when i put it in gear, i figured it was a vacuum leak, so i tightened down all the bolts on my intake, it started idling normal around 7-800 but when i gave it just a little bit of throttle it would start idling high again, at one point almost 2000, the weird thing is while it is idling high, i took 1 idle screw a 1/4 turn out and it started idling back down to normal, until i give it just a little bit of gas, my timing is where it normally is distributor has no play in it, floats where they need to be at and the idle screws at the highest vaccuum i could get, when its idling it smells like its burnin oil, and smokes a little bit, not horrible but enough for me to be worried, i cleaned up the underside of the engine to see if it will start leaking again, would an oil leak be cause of the idle thing as well