this is my truck. it is a 1969 chevy longhorn camper special. i bought this truck from my father in law 3 years ago and it was in pretty rough shape. he had bought it from my wifes unlce (who owned it 12 years) and it was in good shape he drove it around 50 miles and parked it in a feild with his camper on it for around 13 years. the rocker poanels and fenders rusted away on it. intake and exhaust valves and cylinders rusted and seized the motor up on it. i drug it home and have been working on it for the last three years and here it is. i have a few questions for you truck lovers. Are the camper special emblems for front fenders the same for 67072 or they different for each year and if they are different what do they look like for a 69 camper special???