Road Trip From Portland to San Francisco
Well Im sad to say that one of my Sons are leaving the nest. I am driving his truck from Here (Portland Oregon) to San Francisco this weekend. Im hoping that I have no Major problems because there are a lot of long desolate stretches from here to there. Ive been having huge Timing Issues with this truck and found out yesterday why. I did something yesterday that I haven't done in a long time, I took the truck to a professional mechanic and he figured out why I was having timing issues. The Vacuum Advance Mechanism was corroded and was not moving properly so when I would try to step down on it the truck would start backfiring. I got it back and its running great, Knock on Wood!!! I guess I will pack a tool box with half of my roll away and hope for the best. When I get back Its full steam ahead on finishing the 67 Short Fleet.