Originally posted by Baradium
Sorry, can't tell if you are trying to be sarcastic or not... enough people said they didn't understand that I thought they might like to know...
oh no - i wasbeing serious - not sarcastic --- sometimes i am so stupid - i just overlook the obvious --- i should have recognized why i still had my finger after it got caught in the fan --- the reason i still have it is because it got into the fan from the inside (cause i was workin on the side of my vehicle). i was lucky! and now i realize why i was lucky, and didnt get it chopped off. i dont know if it is obvious to everyone else, but as a mechanical engineer, i probably should have known that the direction of the fan blades was my savior. i hope you understand that i was just trying to compliment you on recognizing what *i* might perceive as the obvious. well done! thanks!