Originally Posted by hjewell2
It is this subject here that steams my clams. For years I drove a 2000 blazer to work didnt care one bit about it so I would park any place I wanted to. Never got a scratch or door ding. I buy a 07 p/u park a guzillon mile's out from the front door and I get a scratch first week. I see the car parked next to me and look at the scratch and see it was from that car. Oh dear I say to myself as I pull out my keys and ooopppps Like he or she would care anyway but it was a big one and deep, I saw bare metal when I got done.
I learned two things early in life...
You can't fix stupid!
You can't make someone care!
If I did'nt want it dinged, I would'nt drive it to public parking lots. I had a car keyed once! After I stopped bawling like a little baby, I decided I would not do that to my worst enemy! It's not the cars fault! If it upset me that bad... Let's just say, people vanish every day.