need help with monojet pics!
My truck came with the wrong carb on it, and I was wondering if anyone had some decent pics of one installed and properly plumbed and proper springs. I went to the local pick and pull to see if I could get an idea and some pics to install a correct one, but no luck. I got the "correct" one I guess, but it was already pulled off, and the springs were rusted away. The top case seems to be correct, but all the brackets and linkage are different than the one that was currently on my truck. My current one looks like a later version. The "new" one I got looks like a recent rebuild, though the silver paint is flaking off. The insides are spotless, and gaskets are pretty fresh, so I might just re-spray the case and try it out. Would like some pics of the linkage, springs, vacuum hoses and any detail shots you could provide. Any help is appreciated. I have it on top of a 250 L6.