Originally Posted by Axle
Been down that road more than once.
First off, find out what kansas has on the books about muffler and exhaust requirements.
If its simple like ours;
Proper muffler(s), no holes, no remote control cutouts, no holes, and exits beyond the passenger cabin you are good to go. No db limits on the books. Yet.
If you comply, its straight forward: 'Hey man, it doesn't bother the cops, and I've been followed a lot, and it is completely legal front to back'. Usually shuts up the smart ones if they are trying to get you technically.
Originally Posted by mdb
This isn't directed at the OP (who's making an effort to quiet things down) but to you other guys with the "My truck's legal so go f--- yourself!" attitude. Being 'that guy' is nothing to be proud of.
Sure, if it's your weekend cruiser, go wild. But when you're out getting her warmed up everyday at 6am in a residential area... it gets old.
And of course you might be dealing with unreasonable neighbors and whatnot, but a little common sense and respect goes a long way.
It's either legal or it ain't.....I don't remember the OP saying "6 am" .....and if he did what does the law say ? According to the above post by "Axle" he is in full compliance. Where I live it's 7 am and basically anything goes...I have a tree service company and we wake people up all the time at 7:01... "to fuc**** bad" ....it gets 100 degrees out here in the summer and I'm goin to get it done the easy way or the hard way.
Some neighbors you can never please no matter what you do (if it wasn't his truck I guarantee it would be something else)....I've had dogs that pissed off my neighbors before, but as long as they weren't a nuisance between 10 pm and 7 am there wasn't a thing they could do, legally. I had one neighbor yelling at my dogs during the day, so I got in his face just once and never heard from him again.
I hear you about noise pollution....I've got a beef with open pipe Harley's flying by when you have your window down.....it's annoying as hell, but the law is very vague when it comes to bikes and very clear with cars and trucks....the bikes can basically do whatever they want and the law can't do sh**. So your basically just have to deal with it, apparently it ain't going to change any time soon.
Why give respect to someone who apparently isn't giving him, with the loud music ? Letting your neighbors walk all over you ain't nothing to be proud of either.