Originally Posted by hgs_notes
Only from you lucky SOB's in the SW. Door size could depend on how long you will make the bed and the overall look you want it to have. There are a few extended cabs on the board and some of the old coach company built crew cabs also you could look up for comparisons.
The problem I've seen on the full door style is the window areas never look right. The rear doors always look a bit too long and they tend to look like huge work trucks. Even using a short bed it will be a looong truck. Aren't the rear doors a bit shorter than the front on the newer crew cabs also?
My ideal was to get rid of the little window on the rear doors and even getting rid of the front wings in the front but from what I can tell from looking at the doors there is no room to do that with a small door. So I dont know what I going to do yet. Does any one know of some one using solid windows on these trucks or dont they look right?