Building Buddy's Big Yellow Truck
So I've had a ton of people comment on my Avatar pic of my yellow truck. I built the truck back in 03/04 and had a scrap book of pics so I just took digital pics of the build pics in the book... They are somewhat in order... Back story is I traded a carb for the truck with no motor trans. It is 3/4 4x4 78 chev. As usual most of the body was rusty. I grabbed as many used parts as I could and ended up with a 6" suspension lift, 3" body lift to start with. Rattle canned it white and put some worn out 39.5 on it and USED it! Then a terrible day came.... 9/11/01. On 9/12/01 I walked out in the front yard and painted a huge flag on the truck. I drove it like that until the week before Christmas of 03. I took the two weeks off of Christmas and New Years. Pulled the truck in the garage that friday after work and got to work. I drove the truck back to work when I went back to work the Monday after New Years. I could have NEVER done it without my friends help. Two weeks of endless work.... Hope you guys enjoy the pics. Any questions just ask!