off the wall wheel color question
Gents, I've always thought that the "white" wheels on a 71-72 Cheyenne, for example, were a much brighter white than those that came on the 60-66 C10s (for those that weren't body color or black). The white on the 60-66's matched the side trim and roof and were more of an ivory (Ditzler (PPG) code 8290 ivory - thanks 63 spud!).
Anyone know definitively if the 71-2 wheels were no kidding brighter white? My assumption is that they were and that they matched the white body color available in the 71-2 time frame (Frost White), but I just don't know for sure.
Am asking because I'm gonna powder coat a set of 6 bolt steelies, but I'm not yet sure if I'll use em on my 66 for disk brake clearance or if I'll save em for a 71-2 K10, iffin I ever get me one! So don't want to screw the pooch and pc the wrong color if in fact there are 2 different colors of white between the two. If so, then I'll probably wait til I decide to use them - my only rush is I'm living in a place where I can get them pc'ed professionally for $45/wheel - I move a lot, don't want to miss out on that deal - if I move out east again, I was paying $110/wheel out there (to pc the current non-disk brake steelies on my 66. Caramba).