I went to the Advance, and bought new heater hoses. The name brand Thermold. After an hour of running, I noticed some coolant drops on the new hoses. PINHOLES about every foot in the hoses. What the Hell man? I called Advance and they happily replaced the hoses. I swapped them out, and same thing. Pinholes every foot. I got a refund on them and went to a local Mom & Pop parts house and got some Goodyear hoses. OK, today, the radiator hoses started the same thing, same pinholes. Brand name....THERMOLD. So I got some Gates hoses and I am trucking again. Now we are good to go. No More Thermold brand nothing for me. I found that Oriellys sells Thermold too. ... Cheap CRAPOLA.
My name is Rick Lalich, and I approved this message.