Originally Posted by old Chevy guy
I was just skimming through the thread. Dosent sound good BUT before you give up the ghost check and make sure the starter isint jambed into the flywheel. with the electrical problems and overheating the starter can fry and the bendix could be stuck in the drive position and effectivly binding the motor. Probably a long shot but look underneath and see if the starter teeth are engaged with the flywheel. you will need to remove the splash cover. Had it happen. Good luck and I'll watch this thread to see what happens. I'm not a ''mechanic'' by trade but worked in a couple of garages when there was no other work and have been messing with old chevys coming up on 30 years. I hate being able to say that. The 30 years part that is
I'll check that. I didn't get around to working on the truck today, probably needed a break from it anyway.