Well yesterday I was driving my 86 K10 to work which I do at least once per week. I stopped to drop my daughter off at my ex's and Ole Red would not shut off! It kept knocking and pinging. My daughter notice something leaking from the truck when she got out so I looked underneath the truck to see what looked like fuel leaking. Truck was starting to smoke and eventually caught fire. Luckily my daughter or I didn't get hurt. The fire department came and they disconnected the spark plug wires to get it to stop running, wish I would have known to do that! The truck is not a total loss by any means. Just some interior pieces to replace. As for the fuel leak, I don't know what the extent of the repairs could be. My wife tells me our kids are not allowed to ride in it and I should think about getting rid of Ole Red! I said NO WAY! I am very slowly trying to rebuild her but the funds just aren't there at times. With 5 kids the funds may not be there for awhile but I will NOT sell my truck!
Does anybody have any ideas why my truck would just keep knocking and pinging and not turn off???????
Oh, and yesterday happened to be my daughters 12th birthday! I guess she will remember her 12th birthday the rest of her life!