ARGH! I gotta rip into my steering column again!
ARGH! What I thought belonged to the horn...was the turn signal cancelling I get to spend 2moro, pulling my steering wheel off again, and putting it back on, and then figuring out why my truck didn't start tonight.
It turned over like a MOFO, but wouldn't fire...had 12v+ at the Coil too...I think I MIIIGHT have flooded it..I'll know for sure in the morning.
It was sure funny tonight. I got it to start it, and accidently hit the blinker, and instead of the blinker coming on, the horn started honking. HAHA! So, I WAS going to leave it like that..except when I put the blinker stick back to normal, it STAYED honking. I had to hit the steering wheel for it to stop. Then I got out and disconnected the battery...Ohh Joy..I so love pulling my steering wheel...maybe I'll go buy some longer bolts to make it easier. HAHA