Introducing new sound deadener.
Hey guys, Iv been a forum member for a few years now. I have built a couple of trucks over the years. one is in the works now, with more to come in the future. Iv also just started a small business with a few products that I think would be great additions to our trucks. I Have used each one of my products with great success. I just got in a new product that Im extremely excited about. and wanted to let everyone know about it. Because our Forum member are some of the most knowledgeable, innovative, and resourceful groups of people in the automotive custom/restoration industry, I thought what better place to introduce and get some real feedback on my new Sound Deadener: Rhinomat.
Im not tring to step on any toes by posting in the message board just wanting to get the word out.
if your interested and want some more info please click my link below
Last edited by mrhino; 08-14-2012 at 07:17 PM.