Originally Posted by Kabwe
Nope its true.lol I'm really picky so that does not help. My buddy was going to paint the truck for him but he couldn't wait and went to 1 Day Paint and worked out a deal with them that they would paint the truck in pieces. Now my buddy will not touch the truck.lol He said I don't want my name on that truck now because the quality of work leaves much to be desired. The owner is happy and thats all that matters and he is moving on. My painter buddy is right the quality of the paint job is not what I could live with but its not my ride. I help him out whenever he needs help and keep my mouth closed because he is much further along then me.lol
The quality of the build shows in the details, sometimes I wish I didn't care so much about details but I do.lol A small wave looks like an ocean to me and I can see a drip from a mile away. Its a dang curse. Hotrod1 can tell you how bad it is.lol He's been with me while I look at cars and told me he did not notice things I saw.lol
BAM is right. He is a perfectionist and I like that. I am learning from him as I have the propensity to be the same. Sometimes you just dont see things until someone like BAM points them out. From then on, i will see those issues and then better my ride. The one down side is that it takes longer to get things done.
If I had to look at something that I was not happy with every day, it would drive me crazy. I cant tell you how many times I have started over on something after spending days of fabing it.