2001 4.3 S10 wont start
hey guys, bought a 2001 4x4 S10 4.3 with 125k on it for my step son the other day, ol guy I bought it from said it had been running good and all of a sudden wouldn't start. got it home and was almost positive it was a the cap and rotor, changed that stuff out and still no start. weird thing is that if you let the truck set over night, it will crank and run rough for about 2 or 3 seconds, then quit and wont start the rest of the day, till the next morning. checked the fuel pressure and had 62 psi, but didn't check the leak down rate. has spark at the plug, slight smell of gas under the hood when cranking, cranking normally and no burpin or farting so I dont think its a jump time issue. need to to hit it with some ether with the mass air unplugged to see it it fires, but its been in the 30's and snowing all day so that'll wait for warmer days. thought I hit you guys up and get some opinions??
thank a bunch!!