Originally Posted by pritch
I thought about converting to a one-piece, but then I decided, why re-invent the wheel? It seems to me if I had to get a larger diameter, I would maybe run into clearance issues where it passes through the member that the trailing arms are connected to.
But I've always had one nagging question about two (or more) piece shafts. Does the carrier bearing(s) ever interfere with the movement of the yoke in the transmission? It looks to me like the carrier bearing is solid, I mean, not intended to have any give, so as the rear end travels up and down, forcing front and back movement onto the driveshaft, does it bind up at the carrier bearing?
I have not looked at a 2 pc shaft in a while, but isnt the splined part of the front section that goes into the carrier bearing supposed to slide in and out with rear axle movement?