New life for a forgotten K5
I have owned this 1971 2wd K5 since 1994 and tinkered with it alot until 2002 when i got bored with it and put it in a barn behind my parents house, where it sat for almost 10 years untouched. In 2011 I went to GOOD GUYS car show in dallas and seen a truck there that really inspired me to dust off the blazer, little did i know that 2 weeks later i would meet the owner of the truck and talk his ear off about it. He has since helped me to get back on track and start to work updating the blazer. Hopefully this project will go well and I can keep up the momentum on rebuilding an old ride and get her back on the road. Day 1 ends well, the body was removed easier than I ever imagined. Now the hard stuff begins.
71 2wd k5
67 Nova