Re: Dave Chapman saves the day!
The older head light system went from battery to fuse box to the head light switch to the dimmer to the headlights. All total your looking at a minimum of 15 - 18 feet of 18 ga. wire. When you setup a relay kit on them you go from battery to relay to headlight on 14 ga wire. It shortens the trip by about 10 feet and brightens up the lights considerably. No more flicker or dip when something turns on. Pop in some H4's and its very bright.
The relay trigger uses the old headlight wiring and is now a low amp draw from the battery to the fuse box to switch and then to dimmer and then off to the relay coil. No real load there and you can put in a timer for 30 or 60 second off delay.
On mine I have one relay for high and one for low along with the timer relay for 90 second off delay. very nice for parking at night and getting into the shop.