03-19-2013, 12:45 AM
56 - autocross
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Camarillo, Ca
Posts: 1,121
Re: What Did You Do With Your Truck Today ?
Originally Posted by hsdropout
Hotrod1 & Dan, the paint booth is just a 10 x 10 EZ-up on a tarp, with plastic sheeting walls, then a simple 2x frame to support the lights, a rain tarp over top. One small box fan and a filter opening opposite side....fairly simple but works. ZipperWalls from HD work good for opening in plastic...stick on, cut and instant zippered opening
I had no previous experience, just did a lot of reading. Trick is to get gun adjusted properly. HF HVLP $7 gun, used 1 for primer and 1 for finish,.1.3 tip., inexpensive paint $100 +/- per gal kit. Gal kit makes about 1.5 gal. Lots of sand paper (80 to 600 grit) some filler (most ended up on floor).
Like they say it's all in the prep & an incredible amount of moving parts around. Cab, bed, tailgate, steppers, 2 rear fenders, 2 front fenders, hood, cowl, facsia.......what did I miss?
It is an incredible pain in the a$$, in case you are thinking of doing it......
I now know why they charge so much.
HSDROPOUT: That looks great! Is there any one site that you can remember that goes over this in detail? I am impressed!