Hi, new here. I bought a 1946 Chevy 1/2 ton truck in pieces. no axles, old IH frame. So I am reading all these S10 swaps here and I thinking about it, fits my wallet better. I've got a modified SBC 350 and 700r4 that's destroyed a 10 bolt. So can anyone recommend another heavier duty rear that would fit an S10? My son recommended a 12 bolt.
I also checked
www.gmheritagecenter.com and found 1941 1/2 ton specs for the rear end 69 1/8" over wheel hubs and 60 3/8" inner wheel tread. How do these measurements relate to "hub to hub" and "flange to flange" measurements? I don't know what to look at as far as rear axle widths. Mel