1 step forward, 2 steps back
Well I am now starting my second week unemployed, sucks but we'll survive. We had big plans of moving, getting out of the city and starting fresh, as it stands we'll just have to see what happens. Sometimes things happen and you have to rethink things, we've done a lot of thinking and talking, and weather work comes or not there are pros and cons either way. You never really expect not having a job can become a good thing, but there is a direction we have seriously considered before, and if the Lords willing it's the way we would like to go. The hardest part of all is patience and understanding.
Going through life's daily grind, I can feel the effects of this physical body's fleeting days, But with a young spirit I look toward a brighter day, knowing that in the eyes of eternity, I am but a babe in the arms of my Lord.........