It's been a really long time since I have posted anything at all. My wife's work has dwindled away to about nothing, so I have had to put Maggie Mayhem (my 65 C-10) on hold. Well, I have been doing some side work, and anything I could to make some "extra" money to help more with the essentials. I have been doing some home restoration for a friend of mine, and because I am gullible, and he is a good friend, I wasn't charging him for the work I was doing. One evening he pulled up in my yard and asked if he could park a 93 F150 in my drive for a while. I had the room, and didn't have a problem with it, so I said yes. After we unloaded it, we chatted for a bit, and he said he had to go. He handed me an envelope and said I might need it, then he left. He was gone before I had time to open the envelope and find the title for the truck signed over to me!!

Ok, I said all that to say this... I traded the F150 for an 82 C10. It has a 250 six shooter in it that I want for Maggie, and front disk brakes. Would It be all that difficult or even a good idea to just swap the bodies from frame to frame?