Finally got around to putting the 292 in my '63 dually back together, took a little video of it running. Nice to have it back together running well. And yes, exhaust pipe is for high rollers, lol.
From the description: "The 292 in my 1963 Chevrolet C-30 dually. Just got it back together, bought it from a guy that said it just needed the valves adjusted, lol. The head was gouged .030" deep between the chambers, and it looked like epoxy was the first "fix" for this. His was gray silicone, lol. All the head bolts were wedged in filthy holes, and came out with nearly installation torque. The rear bolts weren't even torqued down. I wonder why it blew out, lol. I put it back together with another useable head I had, seems good now. (The gouged head with good valves will be decked and put on my 292 I'm rebuilding."