deluxe steering whee lproblem
so i have a 65stepper swb bbw, putting things back together and when i got to the steering wheel the previous owner used a smaller unit i have since sourced a fancy football shaped center deluxe type i have the original parts,i think i need exploded views of the horn contacts and all cuz if i need some parts i will track em down, but i need to know what im looking for. i've gone thru my chevy build book the yellow one most folks have and the pics are good but the dont have the horn contact assembly, also where can i get the bearings upper and lower for the shaft i have the bits where they go like the lower bearing but doesnt it need ball bearings inside? and does the upper one that fits in the turn signal assembly. need one as well. so please all the help is welcomed gotta have ma hi and lo tones a tuttin....