Help with Deluxe heater plumbing please
Dear All, I am ready to install my completely restored Delue heater in my 58. I have a question. Does it matter which of the two heater hoses gets connected to the connections on the heater box? I was thinking to connect the hose coming off the water pump to the input of the core; the connection that has the proportioning valve attached to it. Is this correct? The issue is when I look at the schematic in the accessory manual, it seems to suggest the opposite; that the hose coming off the water pump goes to the connection on the core without the valve. Does it matter?
ALso, regarding the other heater hose, I was thinking to use the port on top of the thermo housing, is this cool or is it better to use a port on the intake manifold itself? I am running a SBC so I have either choice.
THanks alot for the help and if you have any other useful thoughts/tips/ideals before I get knee deep in this feel free to let me know!