Originally Posted by Ta2Don
I've always liked the look of the diamond tufts, watching this is way cool, thank you for documenting this! 
I’m going to try and document each step on this go around, but it’s very easy to get wrapped up in the work and forget about taking pictures. This is especially true when it comes to the actual tufting, because it’s so labor intensive and 10 steps can become one process trying to do a bunch of things at once. I’ll see if my wife can snap some photos so I can explain after the fact how it is accomplished.
Originally Posted by McMurphy
Mark (and this is for anyone with info like this) it has been my experience that ALL electronic data storage methods fail, eventually. It may take 5-10 years, but in the end, they all go bad.
My best advice is what I do, once a file gets to be 4 gigs I burn it to a DVD-R disc.
Once burned and proplerly stored, this data will last thru the apocolypse.
The nice thing about these discs now is that they are manipulatable, they did not always used to be so, as in you can take files off, and put new ones on, like a hard drive or thumb drive.
I find this is particularly important for photo albums and important documents that are created and stored digitally.
If your computer does not have a CD burner that can perform these functions, it is ridiculously easy to buy one and install it. Once in your machine you just update the drivers and no matter what make, model, or year of your computer it should run just fine.
Just a bit of FYI.
Oh, and I cannot wait to see these seats !!!
You make some excellent points. I used to do the CD thing more regularly, but got lazy and depended on a back up drive for a long time. As you mention even those go bad after a while and I lost a bunch of stuff on that crash too. I need to make this a priority and invest some of my internet time protecting my own stuff soon.
Originally Posted by bj383ss
Love reading your build thread. Thanks for all the detail and photos you do. They are a pain in the ass but we all benefit from them. Any chance you can post more shots of your garage. Love seeing other guys workspaces.
Sure I’ll put up some more garage photos once the upholstery upgrade is finished. Right now everything in the house and garage are a mess with upholstery related stuff everywhere!
And speaking of which, after spending the morning having the CRV serviced, my squeeze picked me up an electric carving knife to cut the foam. What a difference compared to shears or knives.
I made a template for the button pattern, which will be identical for the backs and bottoms:
The foam was sliced oversize into the four tufting pads (2 backs and 2 bottoms), and marked with the layout pattern. These are the backs:
And these are the bottoms. Before the upholstery is started these foam pads will be trimmed to more precisely fit the seat cushions:
Tomorrow we’ll be picking up more Naugahyde and some backing material. Then I get to hold up for a couple of days while I press out a couple hundred more buttons.