Originally Posted by sdewolfe
If you are not working after school and mom and dad are paying for insurance and gas all that, tell them that some old fart on the forum says you should rebuild the brake system immediately.
If you are working, rebuild the brakes.
I do not advocate spending money just to spend money. New brake hoses, cylinders, and caliper seals may very well save your life or some other person's life. This is especially important in Houston. There are no courteous drivers here. If you try to leave a safe following distance someone will fill the gap.
well i don't have a license i see no point in getting a permit if i'm already about to turn 18 lol i HAD a job for 2 years making pretty good money for a teenager(10 an hour)
I already took care of all that did it before i went on my first pretty far cruise with some truck crews to galveston got new brakes pads, rotors and stuff just didn't take pics because i started my build thread after i did it.. but I did start off pretty bad spent money on my interior, paint, rims, ect until i blew my tranny and driveshaft lol..