Just bought a remanufactured Quadrajet off Craigslist. My issue is after bolting it on the RPMs raced up to 3000 rpms just like it would if I forgot to hook up the throttle return springs but the springs were on and the throttle was in the normal idle position but it definitely didn't idle, lol! So I backed out the idle speed screw all the way and started it again, same thing but only 2000 rpms this time. Thinking I had linkage binding up I installed a thick gasket (pics below) between the manifold and Quad to raise it up off the manifold but the gasket has 4 hard plastic pieces that the bolts fit through. I'm wondering how the gasket can seal properly with hard plastic pieces flush with the gasket surface? Anyways the racing RPMs issue is still there so could I have something internally wrong with the Quad, like stuck metering rods or stuck power piston?