Re: Tuff Country EZ ride vs. Skyjacker Softride
SpecialK is on the mark here. There is a way to make the springs ride better but the companies couldnt make money. You need alot of smaller leafs in the pack. Idealy they should be thin with the second spring being as long as the main spring. This method reinforces the main spring for wieght capacity but allows flex for ride quality. 10 thin springs in progressive lengths will ride way better than 5 thicker springs. The problem with this is you gain alot of spring wieght and material costs. When people look at upgrading they look at the cost and few would pay twice as much for double the leaves. Catch 22. Shocks should not effect ride quality if properly matched. There purpose is to control the springs rebound and not stiffness. In a perfect world cheap old red ryder shocks should be about the same as a set of bilsteins or ranchos. Let the leafs drop then control rebound.
Wheel base really is not the issue for ride quality as the wieght distribution. I put the exact same drivetrain from a blazer under a long bed pickup. The pickup bounced alot more in the rear and had alot less traction. Less wieght was exerted on the rear to plant it to the pavement. The blazer hardly ever needed the hubs locked and the pickup rarely got unlocked. This example had every piece of the drivetrain down to the shocks swapped under the two trucks.