I've been trying to track down a parasitic draw with my '68 250. Was able to narrow it down to my alt using a multimeter. When I unplug the harness plug from the alt, the draw would go away. Alt bad? Is that possible? Voltage regulator maybe causing the draw, since that harness plug is leading straight to it? Is that possible?
After I jump the truck and let it run for a bit, I'm getting close to 14v at the battery, so the alt is charging. Just something is drawing with the truck shut down and sitting over night. That's also makes me think it's not the regulator.
Any recommendations for a part number to look up for a replacement alt if it is bad? I don't run anything major. Tiny amp hooked directly to an iPod, and some aux gauges. And I'm building an airside setup so a single viar 444c compressor. Nothing showey or fancy needed. Just to do the job unstrained.