ill go ahead and break it down since Ryan said it all wrong and you are speaking in turbo code.
the inducer is the inlet side of of the wheel, regardless of its orientation. the exducer is the outlet side of the wheel. so, in a turbocharger, the inducer side of the compressor is the side that you see when you look down its throat. the exducer side of the compressor is the big side that is at the back of the compressor housing.
the exducer of the turbine wheel is the small side, or the one you see when you look up the turbos butt. the inducer is the big side of that wheel in the front of the exhaust housing.
since the space available for the compressor to draw in air is the inducer and the space available for exhaust to exit the turbine is the exducer, you can get an idea for the air flow ability and depending on all kinds of other factors the power it will be able to make from knowing the size of the inducer on the compressor and the exducer on the turbine. the area of the exhaust housing, or the third number given in the size helps you determine how much fliud can pass through the housing at a given pressure. that will help determine the lag or how fast the turbo spools and has an effect on EGTs and drive pressure.
this thing seems to have a target on the gonad area, or maybe the wallet. but at least it should be a nice well done rig when finished! Ryan had it running/driving briefly, but it took a digger when the engine decided to knock.