Originally Posted by jbclassix
Slightly jealous.
I am very happy, if not a little broke. rings and bearings with gaskets, all OEM is a little more on a 6bt than your average GM v8... haha
Originally Posted by Dieselwrencher
Looks great. Have you decide on if the stock pan will work, or is it still going to be a custom aluminum one? (I hope aluminum one because that will be BA.)
Thanks! still planning on the fabricated pan. So tell Kyle to get his poop in a pile. i need that flange. if you look , hanging on the headstock of the engine stand is the first draft of my oil pan flange. i still need to tweak the drawing. this was the strait scan of a gasket, and it almost works anyhow.
Originally Posted by Mattman2010
Looking good Riley!
Thanks Mister
Originally Posted by mx289
Nice. That was a quick rebuild !
And trained by McClaine huh ? Lets do this !
(This will sound very random,but my mother actually went to HS with him.No BS.
Said he was very quite.)
And take care of that cab.Or i will show up with a viking and take it.
Ha that is crazy. i have an aunt that went to prom with a rather prominent Green Bay packers linebacker. i forget his name, but it was one of those type of things. no one believed her.
i have camoflaged the house so now i blend in to yuppieville. no way to find the house now... it is safe