1965 C10 long bed help
ok so i got my first 65 c10 and i need some help and ideas with it please . so here is the deal im on a very limited budget here aka Disability so im looking for ways to fix my issues as cheap as can be . so here is the problem i am a rather large man lol im 6 foot 1 and 441 lbs so as im sure you can picture ive got one hell of a belly lol so as you can guess my belly is pressed against the steering wheel fairly hard . so im wanting to get some ideas on what i can do to fix this like maybe seeing about cutting the steering column and telescoping it in towards the dash a few inches or things of this nature ? i really only need to get about 4 to 5 inches to be off of my gut . also thought about tilt steering but was not sure if that would help or not . and if they even made one back in 65 ? truck does have the cab gas tank in it so i dont know if taking out the gas tank and bolting the seat back further would help or not ? just looking for help i am trying to lose the weight but it wasent put on in a day it aint coming off in a day either ty for any help and ideas to help with this