A couple weeks ago my dad and i picked up my first pickup to work on as a father son project. Back in the 7th grade while everyone else had there minds on computer games and such, i had my mind on finding a truck to build, and i did but I soon found out it was a huge basket case and too much work for me to handle. so I waited and saved every last dollar i could to afford my pickup, and after months of craigslist,backyard searching, and ringing random doorbells, i finally found my pickup. a 1969 cst-10 swb 350 4 speed, originally dark olive green but the guy i bought it from said his grandfather repainted it many, many years ago to the lighter olive green. We also got to drive the truck home and and it runs great
(made it 66 miles) My short term project for this will most likely get it back on some original steelies and give it a better stance, and have it girlfriend proof (properly working stereo and comfortable seat) LOL! and for the long term from lurking the forum getting ideas from some of the elite people on the forum im going to try and get a full porterbuilt suspension and an Lsx swap for it. so, i think youve heard enough of my babbling
heres my truck. there will be more pics soon!