87 drive shaft problem
Hi every one!
I got my truck together start of this season then the tail housing on my 700r4 blew off 1/2 track, I let it sit for a while (to annoyed with it) last weekend I got it back together had the drive shaft balance (even though it didnt need it) bough a 700r4 to rob parts from, the guy who did the balancing asked me to measure from the trans output shaft to the yoke on the rear axle 58.5" when i told him that he said the drive shaft and slip yoke are .75" to short meaning the slip yoke does not go into the transmission enough and he is 100% right!
far as i know its the original drive shaft but i'm the 3rd owner so any thing is possible is there different length one peace drive shafts? I did lower the truck 2/4 spindles and shackle & hangers but never herd of any one having this problem