What engine is this????
Hi guys im not new here but i read alot of different post here and love the pics here.... I have a question guys and gals... I have a hard to find 1966 GMC P10 steel body in (in progress) and its a L6 engine, I just convert it to a HEI dist but according to my timing marks,TDC is not were TDC is suppose to be so im starting out trying to find out what kinda of motor i have...it reads F0911PE (Flint,sep 11th XX) i check and check the forum and all kindas of websites but that PE is no were to be found
Also with the p10 engine,the timing marks (one notch pulley only) in pic are located at the bottom of the van,not the top like C-series.
And the pic of the screw driver is shown to let you know where the number 1 piston is sitting.....Please advise.