problem after drop spindel install.
So I just go around to putting a set of drop spindels on my 80 c20. I've done drop spindels on 4 s10s a isuzu 2 dakotas and a nissan hardbody. Every one I put on I was able to drive to get an alignment when I got the time. This truck the front end is pulling so bad it's crazy. Tires look to be going out like the left is turning left and right is turning right with the steering wheel strait. It also now has slight positive camber. I know your suposed to get an alignment after any suspention mods but I drove it around the block and literally could see the wear on the tires. They were almost to hot to touch on the inside edge. Anyone else ever experienced this? I'm really hoping that an alignment will fix it but I may have to tow it there.