I see a lot of people asking about this radio but no one who owned it actually answering any questions. It's only $20-30$ depending on where you get it which is why there's so much interest in this Pyle. We'll I decided to pick one up and give it a try and we'll...... It's a pile......of junk. I've done my fair share of stereo installs and have taken basic and advanced electrical classes at the college where I will be graduating from in a few weeks with a degree in automotive technology. Just putting that out there to explain that while I may not be as experienced as some of the tradesmen who have been doing this for decades this is still pretty simple stuff for me. I'll start out with the install. It's listed as a direct fit and replacement for our 67-72 trucks. To make it fit threw the holes you have to open it up and move the knobs outward which is no big deal since it IS designed to do so. The problem with this is that the trim/faceplate only has holes to fit the knobs in the inward position and no way to remedy this without drilling new holes, leaving the old ones exposed and just looking terrible.. Luckily I had an old faceplate from a broken radio that did fit and popped it on, problem solved, that's the faceplate/trim you see in the picture. The real problem is the performance. This darn thing buzzes all the time. I checked my grounds which looked pretty good. I then decided to run a ground straight to the battery just to check if that was the issue. There was no improvement. I then ran the positive straight to the battery to try avoiding any interference and it still buzzed. I could have tried an rf blocker but before resorting to that I decided to hook up a modern sony CD player. We'll no real suprize the newer sony cd stereo worked great which pretty much rules out external issues causing the buzzing in this Pyle of junk. I'll post a pick of the sony stereo which I decided to keep and install permanently in my truck. May also be worth mentioning that the Pyle only has one negative speaker wire that is intended to be used for two speakers and that it is only intended to be used with two speakers not four, pretty lame.
Anyway, bottom line Is I do not recommend buying this stereo as it is truly one of the parts where inexpense means junk, I believe in the saying that you get what you pay for but sometimes a cheap part does work out, in this case it does not. Stay away from this!