Headlights still wont work
Hey guys, I made a thread a few weeks ago regarding my headlights not working. everyone suggested it was the dimmer switch and the wiring involved. I have now replaced the dimmer switch and the little 3-prong plug that it attaches to on the wires. I cut the wires and stripped about a half inch of insulation on the new plug and old wires to twist them together. I was planning on soldering the wires (I have never done soldering but I am a very confident learner and believe I have a pretty good idea of what to do) but my soldering iron is a small battery powered piece of junk that only has about 3 volts of juice. it wasn't even hot enough to melt the solder to prep the iron. I have all of the wires connected (tied) and wrapped with electrical tape, brand new dimmer switch and plug, and the headlights still will not turn on. I drew a diagram of the wires looking down on the dimer switch it reads GREEN BLUE BROWN in that exact order. any ideas as to where I should troubleshoot next? Does my diagram line up with what you guys have or could I have just made a simple error in my wiring...? thanks everyone for the responses I really appreciate the advice
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