Put my truck up for sale and I'm struggling
It's hurts but I need the funds. Letting it go I don't think is my biggest problem, it's who I'd be letting it go to. I wish people wouldn't tell me what they want the truck for. I know it's not the kind of truck a collector is looking for, but it's so amazingly solid that it needs preserved, and restored but I've got people telling me they need it for their business to haul stuff, and all I can picture is it getting worked to the ground and then junked. I'd love for something to change really fast so that I wouldn't need to sell, but I'm afraid I'll just have to work through the pain and let go .
Going through life's daily grind, I can feel the effects of this physical body's fleeting days, But with a young spirit I look toward a brighter day, knowing that in the eyes of eternity, I am but a babe in the arms of my Lord.........