OK need some help from the kind experts here on this great site. I have a 1970 CAB with a 1971 chassis 1/2 c10 327 with 350th being cov to lwb to swb . need help on what panels to replace first. I have read the how to by jlaird on here as well. but could use the extra help.. as u can c on the the ruff Ness its some work. so the panels I need are cab corner's, driver drip rail, d&p side kickers panels, and outer rockers and a complete one piece floor pan. the drivers side looks just the same on pass side so that's why oim going one piece on the floor. just need help on what order to do the panels so I don't throw anything off. and was thinking on what vender I should go with on new replacment panels. I was leaning to lmc but hopefully some one can shine in. thanks..> I did also pic up new to me door that are in good shape. but mite by new or rebuild the door hings .




