Originally Posted by lakeroadster
I am with ya guys and I have crunched all the numbers.
The one thing many overlook is Starting Line Ratio, aka as Launch Ratio.
Starting Line Ratio = first gear ratio * rear end gear ratio, 9-11 is ideal. However large rear tires hurt this number.
My current configuration, 2.2 first gear and a 3.73 ratio rear yields a starting line ratio of 8 but the 33 inch tall tire hurts this number. As originally stated my clutch would benefit from a higher gear ratio set and the truck fun factor for non-interstate driving would be greatly multiplied.
That is why I am thinking a 4:11 or higher would be a better choice and a 4:88 would be a ton of fun!
Numbers with a 3.73 gear @ 2600 RPM
1st 31 mph
2nd 42 mph
3rd 53 mph
4th 68 mph
Starting line Ratio = 8.2
Numbers with a 4.11 gear @ 2600 RPM
1st 28 mph
2nd 38 mph
3rd 49 mph
4th 62 mph
Starting line Ratio = 9
Numbers with a 4.88 gear @ 2600 RPM
1st 24 mph
2nd 32 mph
3rd 41 mph
4th 52 mph
Starting line Ratio = 10.7
Plug 28" tires into your formula & see what happens--slr ~ 9.6-9.7 maybe??? And just for the cost of 2 tires for those 'special occasions'. Good luck with your decisions.