Originally Posted by Bomp
Try as I might, I will never hit the Coool Factor like you on this build.
10 outta 10 you scored!
Yeah right man! Thanks for the compliment but you take the cake when it comes to cool builds. Also, take note there are zero camaros hanging from my ceiling...Ive got some catching up to do
Originally Posted by swamp rat
Great job slicing and dicing on the dash!
Thanks man! Still have some hacking to do yet to get the door panel pieces to fit, but here's the plan
Originally Posted by tommys72
Nice, I hadn't seen this build before. Glad I did now! Good work
Right arm! Appreciate it!
Originally Posted by Dieselwrencher
Awesome work on the dash! That seat worked out very nice from where I'm looking. 
Thanks man! The seat is sweet. I'll admit there was a point where I had to suck it up, set my man card aside and sew the cover back to together. The process wasn't too bad, almost enjoyable at times, and actually came out decent enough. Plan is to throw a mexican blanket over it or something so it doesn't look so modern but overall im happy with it.