Steering Box Replacement - AC Delco box any good?
My steering box has a lot of play in it - I checked the rag joint and the drag link already and they are both in good shape. I have previously adjusted the allen bolt down to a tighter level but it still has a lot of play. Planning to replace it with a rebuilt unit in a month when i swap engines.
I have been on Rock Auto and they sell a AC Delco Professional Steering Box. They have some other brands as well like CarDone.
Been doing some searches on here and there is mixed opinion on the replacement boxes. Are these replacement boxes simply just a box that has been cleaned and has new seals installed? Right now I can turn the wheel from 11 to 1 o clock and the wheels don't turn, has a lot of play (its worn out). Truck is just a daily driver, no off road stuff. I just want a tight box that is takes away that loose feeling. Will I be happy with a rebuilt box from the parts store?