Originally Posted by Coupeguy2001
You might see if you can find another truck that you can look at the doors.
I made a startling discovery.........
On the left door, my truck's upper front door frame fits flush with the cab. On the right side, it is sunk in about a quarter of an inch.
I have a friend with two trucks and went and looked at them. They are the same as mine!!
So everybody go look at your truck. the upper forward edge of the doors on the left side should be flush, and I bet the right side is not.
I think there was a problem with the jigs that the guys used to set up the right side, and GM didn't halt production to fix it.
Hope that helps. your cab has been fixed on the right side, and the cab curve is too flat.
(my two cents)
My driver's side is sunk in way worse then then the passenger side is