Originally Posted by Grumpy old man
Are you still trying to run race fuel thru that engine ? Add a can of STP oil treatment to it use castrol 20-50 oil and another new filter ,lock your tools up and drive it for 100 miles keeping your foot off the gas pedal, use regular unleaded fuel and drive it like your new baby is sitting on the seat .
Nope, I actually never ran race fuel. I added about a half gallon to a full tank of pump gas because it needed it. I don't understand the locking up my tools thing, although I've heard that twice now, weird. This isn't something that happened due to me tinkering and I'm actually getting to be pretty handy with my tools.
As for the oil, it's fresh and so is the filter. It's not 20w50 but it's good oil with ZDDP additive. I'd be driving it if I knew for sure what this noise was. Don't wanna get stuck somewhere if she breaks down.