Anybody use B&M 3000 rpm stall converters?
I recently did a top end on my truck and used a Comp 280H magnum cam. It needs about 2500 rpm of stall, so I went the cheap route and got a white box B&M 2200-2600 rpm converter. Short version, that converter doesn't stall at all, the truck bucks at stop lights and the place I bought it will take it back if I buy the 3000 rpm one. That saves me about 180 bucks which would be great if the 3000 rpm stalls are worth a crap because the one I got wasn't. Maybe it was because it was a cheap white box converter, or maybe B&M isn't great to begin with but I'm hoping some of you have experience with these as I do not.
The 600 dollar Coan is in the plans, but those are distant plans so keep it about the one available to me if possible. Thanks guys