Originally Posted by Scott2
I'm finally getting through the basement build - just about a month left as we go to drywall soon.
In the meantime I'm starting to collect parts to get this moving forward. I've been looking at gas tanks and I'm looking at a Tanks Inc, side fill unit. They have two that look good - p/n 51 CGX ( http://www.tanksinc.com/index.cfm/pa...rod/prd249.htm)
and the 53 CGX ( http://www.tanksinc.com/index.cfm/pa...rod/prd114.htm)
The difference is where the filler is - back left corner or a bit further forward. Any one have experience with this? Anything I should be aware of? I'm thinking the filler a bit forward would come out nicely in the back part of the fender and give me room to work with for the actual filler neck thru the outer fender side?
It also appears that there is room to set the tank height so the filler neck goes over the frame rail and under the bed floor.
Any thoughts or advice?
Check out my build if you like, I used a tanks stainless unit....
post #49 starts the tank and filler pictures